We consider it a
priority to articulate networks of grassroots
social organizations in favour of a precautionary
regulation of the EMF exposure, both nationally
and on a European level. These networks would be
the propagators of the independent scientific
warnings to create the space for debate about
proposals of protectionist actions as the ones
mentioned in the European
Manifesto in Support the ECI, for an EMF
exposure regulation, which truly
protects public health. The feasibility, efficiency and relevance of
launching a European
Citizens’ Initiative about a precautionary
regulation of the EMF exposure will be explored,
in due course. Independent from this (launching or not launching a ECI), we request your support for this European Manifesto in favour of the precautionary regulation of the EMF exposure, because also constitutes an direct support for the recommendations and precautionary claims advocated from different domains (scientific-professional, public institutions and civil society) in each country. HISTORY OF A PROCESS:- Since the beginning of 2013, several grassroots citizens groups of several countries, with the knowledge of the “International EMF Alliance” (IEMFA), initiate a process for evaluating the feasibility to elaborate an European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI), for implementing the measures proposed in the Resolution 1815 of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on potential hazards of electromagnetic fields and their effects on the environment (2011).- Madrid, 29 June 2013: a meeting organized by the Platform the “Plataforma Estatal contra la Contaminación Electromagnética” (PECCEM), and with the support of delegates of several European countries (Belgium, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, and Sweden). At the meeting, it was adopted the European Manifesto in Support the ECI for an EMF exposure regulation which truly protects public health, on the basis of the main lines of protectionist action provided from scientific, professional, institutional and social spheres. - Brussels, October 3, 2013. The European Manifesto in Support the ECI is presented in the seat of the European Parliament and discusses the limitations and viabilities of ICE format. |
Madrid, 29 June 2013. Adoption of the European Manifesto European Parliament. 03/10/2013 |
Amongst the signatories to this European Manifesto there are scientists, researchers and experts, as well as professional bodies and associations and representatives of civil society organizations (from health advocates, consumers, neighbours, environmentalists, ecologists, trade unions, parents of students, people with central sensitization syndromes -electro-hypersensitivity, multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, etc.-, brain tumour patients, concerned citizens and activists associations working in the field of electromagnetic pollution) coming from 26 countries (Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Macedonia, Netherlands, Panama, Poland, Portugal, UK, Russia, South Africa, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and USA).
the Appeal in favour of the “European Manifesto”
Send us your full name (and professional title, if researchers / scientists / experts), the name of your organization (in the case of representatives of social organizations or professional), your town and country.
euro.coord.for.emf.regulation@gmail.com (European Coordination of organizations for an EMF exposure regulation, which truly protects public health)
Sends also a copy to the email of the European coordinator in your country: Belgium (beperk.de.straling@gmail.com), France (contact@vincent-lauer.fr and contact@robindestoits.org), Germany (kontakt@elektrosensibel-muenchen.de and kontakt@diagnose-funk.de), Holland (https://www.stichtingehs.nl/stuur-een-mail), Ireland (iervnhelp@hushmail.com), Italy (presidente@elettrosensibili.it and amica@infoamica.it), Poland (barbara.galdzinska@cordate.pl), Portugal (paulojvvale@gmail.com), Spain (coordinacion@peccem.org), Sweden (mona@stralskyddsstiftelsen.se), UK (Eileen@radiationresearch.org),